Understanding the brain’s role in chronic pain

As a chiropractor with a specialisation in neuroscience, I'm always on a quest to provide you with the most insightful and effective ways to manage your health.

My hope is that by understanding the mysterious world of your brain and how it's intertwined with the often-challenging experience of chronic pain, you'll gain valuable insights into managing your chronic pain more effectively.

Our brain's development is nothing short of astonishing. It all begins very early in our lives – around the eighth week after fertilisation when we're still in the womb. This period marks a critical transition from embryo to foetus, and it's when some of the most significant changes in our brain's architecture, especially the cerebrum, occurs.

Let's shine a spotlight on a specific region of our brain, the cerebellum. It's often associated with motor control and coordination, helping us move smoothly and gracefully. It undergoes its most substantial growth during the third trimester of pregnancy. But here's where it gets fascinating: the cerebellum isn't just about helping us move, it plays a vital role in various aspects of our lives, including our emotions, language, memory, and even our ability to think and learn.

Developing Minds

Some parts of our brain are more vulnerable to stressors during pregnancy. The cerebellum is one of them. Stress during this sensitive period can have lasting impacts, not only on the structure of our brain but also on how it functions. This means that early life stress can set the stage for challenges down the road, including chronic pain.

Stress during pregnancy can come in many forms, from exposure to stress hormones to changes in oxygen levels. These stressors can disrupt the intricate process of cerebellar development in babies, potentially leading to injuries or abnormalities in this crucial part of our brain, and research has found that when mothers are stressed during pregnancy, their daughters are more likely to see the effects in later life.

Understanding these gender-specific aspects of brain development is essential as we tailor our chiropractic treatments and holistic care plans to meet the unique needs of each patient. It underscores the significance of a personalised approach, where your care journey is influenced not only by your individual health but also by the remarkable story of your brain's early beginnings.

But how does all of this relate to chronic pain?

Well, it turns out that the cerebellum is also deeply involved in how we perceive and process pain. It plays a role in various aspects of the pain experience, including how our bodies move in response to pain, how we anticipate pain, and even how we emotionally react to it.

What Does This Mean for You?

Understanding the connection between early life stress, the cerebellum, and chronic pain is a significant step toward better pain management. It means that there's hope for more effective treatments and strategies tailored to your unique needs.

Practical Steps for Managing Chronic Pain

Holistic Healthcare

At our chiropractic centre, we believe in a holistic approach to managing chronic pain. This approach encourages collaboration with professionals from various fields, including chiropractic care, psychology, and pain management. By working together as a team, we address all facets of your health. Chiropractic adjustments align your spine and improve nerve function, while psychological support and pain management strategies enhance your overall well-being. This comprehensive approach ensures that you receive tailored care, ultimately contributing to a more holistic and effective pain management plan.

Mind-Body Connection

Understanding the profound connection between your mind and body is pivotal in tandem with chiropractic treatments. As your chiropractor, we emphasise the importance of stress-reduction techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and deep breathing exercises. By incorporating these practices into your routine, you can help calm your nervous system, alleviating muscle tension and promoting relaxation. This not only complements the physical adjustments we provide but also reduces the emotional burden of chronic pain, fostering a more balanced approach to healing.


Lifestyle plays a pivotal role in your overall well-being, and it harmonises seamlessly with chiropractic treatments. In conjunction with our care, embracing a healthy lifestyle is vital. Regular exercise not only strengthens your musculoskeletal system but also releases endorphins, natural pain relievers. A balanced diet provides your body with essential nutrients for healing and recovery. Prioritising adequate sleep is equally essential, as it allows your body to repair and rejuvenate. By making these lifestyle choices, you actively contribute to your pain management journey, enhancing the results of chiropractic treatments.


Knowledge is empowerment, and as your chiropractor, we encourage you to become an informed participant in your healthcare. Take the time to learn about the potential impact of early life stress on your brain and pain perception. Understanding this connection enables you to make informed choices about your health and treatment options. It empowers you to actively engage in your care plan, ask questions, and work collaboratively with our team. By being educated about the intricate relationship between your brain's development and chronic pain, you become an active agent in your journey towards relief and well-being.

Remember, you're not alone on this journey. We're here to support you every step of the way. Together, we can explore personalised approaches to managing your chronic pain and improving your quality of life.


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