Sports Performance and Chiropractic Care

In the dynamic and cut-throat world of sport, athletes at all levels are constantly striving for ways to optimise their performance, recover and minimise the risk of injuries.

Whether an elite professional or a weekend warrior, athletes are trying to find ways in which they can compete better and for longer. Recognising the importance of maintaining peak physical condition, many athletes are turning to chiropractic care as a part of their training team and regimen. By focusing on musculoskeletal health and overall well-being, chiropractic interventions offer a holistic approach that benefits athletes of every calibre (Thiele, R 2019).

 Performance Enhancement

Whether competing at the highest levels or pursuing personal fitness goals, athletes of all abilities seek ways to enhance their performance. Chiropractic care can be a valuable tool for achieving these objectives. The use of spinal manipulation, soft tissue techniques and self-myofascial release (such as foam rolling and massage ball therapy) can improve an athlete’s flexibility, balance, and overall movement quality (Zhang, Q. et al. 2020).

Overall movement quality can be impacted by the function of proprioceptors in the body. Proprioceptors are specialized sensory receptors located in muscles, tendons, and joints that detect changes in position and movement. This is part of the bigger process of “Proprioception”. Proprioception is the sense that allows us to perceive the position, movement, and orientation of our body parts in relation to each other and the environment. It's essentially our body's ability to sense where our limbs are without having to look at them. Chiropractic adjustments involve applying controlled force to specific joints, which may stimulate these proprioceptive receptors located in the muscles, tendons, and joints. This stimulation could potentially enhance the transmission of proprioceptive signals to the brain leading to the brain having a more accurate representation of where the body is in space. (Holt, K. et al. 2021).

For elite athletes, these enhancements can translate to an improvement of performance on the field or court as they able to execute movements with greater precision and efficiency. Similarly, amateur athletes can benefit from enhanced performance in their chosen sports or recreational activities, and therefore have a more enjoyable and fulfilling experience overall.

Injury Prevention and Recovery

Injuries are a concern for athletes of all levels, but chiropractic care offers proactive strategies for both prevention and recovery. Through spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapies, and targeted exercises, chiropractors address underlying imbalances and biomechanical issues that may increase the risk of injury.

 Low back pain is a common issue among athletes, often resulting from repetitive loading and lateral movement during sports activities. This pain can lead to injuries such as stress fractures, muscle spasms, and disc herniation. Chiropractic treatment, which includes spinal manipulation, has been shown to be effective in treating chronic low back pain and other musculoskeletal disorders. It can help in the prevention of injuries by improving muscle balance, joint lubrication, posture, and overall spinal health (Saad, M. et al. 2020).

 For elite athletes, this proactive approach aims to help maintain peak performance levels and minimize disruptions to training and competition schedules. Amateur athletes, meanwhile, can benefit from reduced injury risk during workouts, games, or other physical activities, allowing them to stay active and engaged in their pursuits (Lin, A.F. et al. 2023).

Range of Motion and Function

Healthy flexibility and range of motion are essential components of athletic performance and being active, regardless of if you’re an elite performer or a weekend athlete. Chiropractic care focuses on maintaining and improving these factors; aiming to optimise joint function and range of motion through various treatment modalities.

 For elite athletes, improved range of motion can enhance agility, speed, and overall athletic movement, giving them a competitive advantage on the field or track. Amateur athletes, meanwhile, can benefit from increased flexibility and mobility in their daily activities, whether participating in sports, exercise classes, or recreational hobbies.

By addressing musculoskeletal imbalances and promoting optimal movement patterns, chiropractic care helps athletes of all abilities move more efficiently and effectively, reducing the risk of injury and supporting long-term physical health and performance (Thiele, R 2019).


In summary, chiropractic care offers valuable benefits for athletes at every level, from elite professionals to weekend warriors. Incorporating techniques like spinal manipulation, soft tissue techniques and targeted exercises can aid in addressing musculoskeletal imbalances, optimise joint function and range of motion, and improve proprioceptive feedback to the brain. Helping athletes of all abilities achieve their goals and reach their full potential in sports and life.


1.      Thiele, R. (2019) ‘Chiropractic Treatment in Sports: Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials.’, International Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, 6(2), pp. 6–12.

 2.      Zhang, Q. et al. (2020) ‘The immediate effects of self‐myofacial release on flexibility, jump performance and Dynamic Balance Ability’, Journal of Human Kinetics, 75(1), pp. 139–148. doi:10.2478/hukin-2020-0043.

 3.      Holt, K. et al. (2021) ‘The effects of 4 weeks of chiropractic spinal adjustments on motor function in people with stroke: A randomized controlled trial’, Brain Sciences, 11(6), p. 676. doi:10.3390/brainsci11060676.

 4.      Saad, M. et al. (2020) ‘Effect of sports chiropractic on the primary prevention of low back pain for track and field players’, Science, Movement and Health, 20(2), pp. 149–152.

 5.      Lin, A.F. et al. (2023) ‘Unlocking athletic potential: The integration of chiropractic care into the sports industry and its impact on the performance and health of athletes and economic growth in China and Hong Kong’, Cureus [Preprint]. doi:10.7759/cureus.37157.


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